Volunteer with Us!

The Halifax Tool Library is a 100% volunteer run organization!
We are always looking for new volunteers with a variety of skills who would like to Help!


Here you’ll find a description of our various Volunteer Jobs.  
Volunteers commit to a minimum of two shifts per month at the HTL to maintain their Volunteer Membership.  
Fill out the volunteer sign up form below or email us at Volunteer@Halifaxtoollibrary.ca if you’d like to get involved.

Tool Librarians

Help the Halifax Tool Library stay open & available to our members by staffing the Library!  

Librarians are responsible for greeting current & future members, explaining our policies, assisting in the location of tools, keeping the space tidy, and checking tools in and out of the Library using our Myturn software. 

 Board Member

The Halifax Tool Library is overseen by a Board of Directors, and works in various Circle groups to keep the Library functioning in the commercial areas that the business requires.  

We elect a new board at our Annual General Meetings. The Board is composed of President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Members at Large.  

We work in Circles:  Operations, Marketing & Media, and Policy & Finance to keep the Library on track.  

Workshop Supervisors

Our Workshop Supervisors help supervise our workshop. They endeavor to provide the safest environment for everyone in the space. 

They occasionally provide cutting services to members that may not be comfortable in the shop.  

Workshop supervisors must have experience and knowledge of the power tools in our workshop & general workshop safety procedures. Training is provided via our Workshop Basics class to ensure tool comfort, but a basic level of woodworking training (self or other) is required.  

These individuals share project experience and frequently mentor our members as they undertake their DIY projects. First Aid certification is a plus. 


The fixer team fixes the Library’s broken tools, in the workshop, the tool library, and assessing new donations.  This crew of dedicated volunteers is critical to the function of the tool library!  

You’ll be responsible for examining our broken tools, figuring out what is wrong with them, and repairing them if possible. This Team is also responsible for doing regularly scheduled maintenance and meets Every Wednesday when the library is closed to members.  

Special Projects & Events

Like to build, organize, and sort?
Social media savvy? Graphic design skills? Want to teach a workshop? 

We are able to facilitate many ways for you to help; Library improvement projects, inventory sorting, grant applications, our Programming Delivery Team, and more! 

Volunteer Signup Form


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