Tool Wish List
We are seeking the following additions to our library & workshop collection:
- DeWalt Batteries 20V Prefered.
Flooring Air Nailer
CAN/OBD reader (Vehicle Computer Codes)
Scratch Awl
Counter Sink Drill Bits
- Forstner Drill Bits
Screwdriver Bit sets
Kreg Jig (R3)
Over-Ear Protection
Face Shields
Pick Axe
- Random Orbital Sanders (Cordless)
- Belt Sander (Large)
- Jointer (>6″ wide)
Exterior Grade Extension Cords (all sizes)
Power Door Jamb Saw
Air Hoses
- Power Bars
- Clamps
- Drill Press Vise
- Bowl Turning gouges
- Lathe Faceplates & Chucks
Electric Impact Driver
Automotive Battery Charger
Shop Vac Filters & Bags
Inspection Camera
Thermal Camera
Dust Collection Parts (Various): blast gates, elbows, better bags, upper bag support rod, etc.
List Updated: October 21, 2023

Donations Help!
As our mission is to put underused tools in the hands of people who need them, we are always seeking more!
We take all donations during our open hours, or you can make a deposit in our Donation Bin located directly beside the front door!
If you have a large donation such as downsizing or an estate, please reach out via email before donating directly at the library!