Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Tool Library?
A tool library is very similar to a book library! For a small membership fee, we loan out tools from our collection of over 2,500 items for a period of one week. We are a proud member of the sharing economy in Halifax.
Who are you?
The Halifax Tool Library is 100% staffed by energetic, engaged volunteers to do a variety of tasks: Membership (customer) service, administration, web design, inventory control, library organization, and Tool maintenance & repair.
We love what we do. The volunteers and our membership are DIY and sharing economy enthusiasts. Our executive is constantly striving to make the volunteer experience at the Halifax Tool Library & Workshop a fun and valuable way to share time and be social while doing an amazing thing for our community.

Do you accept Donations?
Gratefully! Our library will take donations of gently used tools, hardware, and trade related books!
We have a small donation bin just outside our main entrance for smaller donations. If you have a large donation, please reach out to [email protected]
Where do we get our tools?
The majority of our tools come from community donations. Folks from people downsizing, moving, or cleaning up basements, sheds, and garages. Anything you want to donate?
Who can borrow tools?
Only Halifax Tool Library members can borrow tools. We offer individual and group memberships. Consider giving someone you love a one-of-a-kind gift that lasts all year long.
Our annual membership is less than what most rental companies charge for a single tool, and you get unlimited access to our tools.
How do you track tool loans?
We use the MyTurn software platform specifically designed as a database for lending libraries. Like a normal library, members must return tools in a set period of time (one week) or incur late fees.
Can I borrow multiple tools at once?
Yes! Many projects require one or more tools. We only ask that you leave a few remaining tools on the shelf for other members to borrow.
Can I renew my tools if I need them a bit longer?
Yes. We allow our annual members a Maximum of Three (3) one week renewals on tools that aren’t in high demand.
Can I reserve a tool?
Yes, tools can be reserved but only the day of, so for example you could pick them up after work.
Check our online inventory to see what is available.
What happens if I damage a tool?
Normal wear and tear of tools is inevitable. We ask members to ensure our tools are return Clean, Charged and Ready for the next Member. Please talk to us about your user experience with the tool when you return it if something has happened!
In extreme cases, members may be charged for damage to equipment.
If you are at all unsure about how to safely operate of a tool, there is always a Volunteer who can walk you through how to use it safely when you pick it up.
Do you charge a late fee?
If you are unable to renew or return your tool on time, late fees are $0.25 per day per tool, Starting the day after the tool should have been returned, regardless of whether we were open or not.
What do you do with broken and surplus tools?
We have a small Tool Hospital at our library where broken tools are cared for, fixed, cleaned, and sharpened by our experienced Fixer volunteers to ensure you get a tool that is in working order.
Excess tools, we keep the best tools in inventory and in the Workshop, and we keep other tools on hand to run workshops.
Whatever remains we sell at rock bottom prices to help find them new homes and generate a small revenue for our operations. Watch for our quarterly Yard Sales, and social media posts for bigger surplus tool sales!
Tools that cannot be fixed are used for parts and salvage. Blades, gears, motors and more.
We’re always looking for Tool Fixers if you’d like to help!
Are you insured?
Absolutely. Safety and injury prevention is our number one priority.
Members are required to sign waivers and must be over the age of 18.
Effective November 1, 2023, all members MUST take a Workshop Basics class PRIOR to using the tools in our Workshop, regardless of personal skill level. This helps increase member safety, and reduce wear and tear on shop tools!